The Leaf

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The Leaf twice-yearly journal

The Leaf presents words from the traditional territory of the Saugeen Anishinaabek in poetry, short fiction, reviews, essays, author profiles and leaves from writers’ notebooks. Spring issues include winning acrostic stories.


The Leaf

The Leaf  issue # 54  Spring  2024


Results of Acrostic Story Contest # 25   Dreaming of Success

First Prize           Andrew  Kohut      What Evan Wants
Second Prize      Doreen M. Bleich   Player Excellence
Third Prize          Beverley Coplpitts   The Job Application

Honourable Mention (unranked)
Lorraine Kirby                   The Training Run
Al Thompson                     Magical Paws
Angelika Oberoi               Dreaming of Success

Also in this edition:
Leaf From a Writer’s Notebook by Michael O’Neill
Leaf From the Past     Welcoming of Spring      William Wilfred Campbell
excerpt  from We Took to the Woods      Louise Dickinson Rich
Tribute: Success in Life and Birding        Anne Duke Judd
Book Reviews by John Kaminski and Cori Mordaunt

Copies of this issue are available from The Brucedale Press  at $8.00 to Canadian addresses, price to be quoted for mailing beyond Canada.

A One-year [two issues] subscription $12.00 within Canada.




1. Material should fit the theme for each issue. To be sure of the theme, you can e-mail with Leaf Query in the subject line.

2. Material should be sent in standard manuscript form: typed, double-spaced, one side only on 8.5 x 11 white paper. Computer-generated text should use a plain font such as Times New Roman.

3. Please use Canadian spellings, and proofread your text carefully before sending.

4. Please mention in your cover letter:
-the title and word count [line count for poetry] of your submission.
-your postal address, phone number, e-mail contact information.
-your previous credits or background if they are relevant.

The Brucedale Press will buy one-time rights to manuscripts when they are accepted. The Brucedale Press will be responsible for editing of text, layout of pages, and production. Copyright remains with the creator. Writers will be paid upon publication, at $10 per published page, plus two copies of the issue in which their work appears.

For fall issues [published in November] manuscripts will be accepted in September ONLY.
For spring issues [published in May] manuscripts will be accepted in March ONLY.

We’re looking for poetry [up to 32 lines] and prose, including short [up to 2500 words] fiction. We also publish nonfiction relating to writing or authors, that show quality of writing, connection to the area, and relevance to the theme.

Send your submission by postal mail to:

The Leaf
Box 2259
Port Elgin, Ontario N0H 2C0

Single copy $8.00 Subscription (2 issues) $12.00 mailed to addresses in Canada. Order on-line. For international subscription costs, please e-mail

*many back issues remain available $5.00 each or $20 for any 5 to Canadian addresses

To purchase individual copies, or a subscription beginning with this issue please use our secure on-line order form.
A year’s subscription (two issues) costs $12.00 mailed to addresses in Canada. Full guidelines below the list of previous issues still available

Subscription   $12.00/year [2 issues]
Single current issue $8.00
back issues $5.00


 15   fall 2004   ROOTS
 16   spring 2005   WAVES
 17   fall 2005   FRIENDS
 18   spring 2006   LIGHT no longer available
 19   fall 2006   HARVEST
 20   spring 2007    DREAM
 21   fall 2007  REAL
 22   spring 2008   GROWTH
 23   fall 2008   NIGHT
 24   spring 2009   WORK
 25   fall 2009   MAGIC
 26   spring 2010   TEACHER
 27   fall 2010   WHEELS
 28   spring 2011   WISDOM
 29   fall 2011   WINGS
 30   spring 2012   MILESTONES
 31   fall 2012   MYSTERY
 32   spring 2013   THEATRE
 33   fall 2013   TIME – no longer available
 34  spring 2014   TRAVEL
 35  fall 2014   FOOD – no longer available
 36  spring 2014   FEEDBACK
 37  fall 2015   GIVING
 38  spring 2016   MACHINES
 39  fall 2016   WARM
 40  spring 2017   ABSURD
 41   fall 2017   FUTURE
 42  spring 2018   FASHION
 43  fall 2018   PEACE
 44  spring 2019   GARDEN
 45   fall 2019   SILVER
 46   spring 2020   SPEED
 47   fall 2020   CHANGE
 48  spring 2021  OPPORTUNITY
 49  fall 2021  SPACE
 50  spring 2022  GOLDEN
 51  fall 2022  BLISS
 52  spring 2023  SURPRISE
 53  fall 2023  MUSIC