Twenty-sixth Annual Acrostic Story Contest
UPDATE 22 November 2024 – If Canada Post service is interrupted as of January 1, 2025, updated entry details will be posted on this page.
X-rays cannot show. . .
X is always a challenging letter, and this year it begins our opening sentence. You will need to go through the alphabet in reverse order, to A, then Z, and create an ending sentence with a Y-word. Zooming through the alphabet in reverse order always presents a challenge. We know you are up for it!
Very likely, if you are a repeat entrant, you have done this before! Understanding and following the rules is important. The deadline, as always, is January 31, 2025. So, mail your entry early for it to ARRIVE by the deadline. Realistically, going to the Post Office is not fun in January in most of Canada! Quite a few writers have asked about electronic entries, but we are sticking with paper in the mail.
Perhaps you’d like to read some previously published winning stories. Only $5.00 will bring a copy of The Leaf to you at any Canadian address. Not to copy from, but to be inspired by reading how others have responded o the challenge. Make a note of the previous challenges by checking
Like a broken record, we repeat the rules…begin with the phrase above X-rays cannot show.., then use 25 more sentences to tell your story. Keep away from profanity, racism, sexism, ageism. Judging is anonymous, and the judge’s comments about winning stories are published. It’s a reward for the best stories in sharing the entry fee pot: 25% to the first-place, 15% for second-ranked, and 10% for third. Help fatten the pot by encouraging other writers to enter, and/or sending multiple entries. Good grammar, correct Canadian spelling, are likely to score well. Finding a way to seamlessly use Q, X, and Z often sets winning stories above others. Encourage others in your writing group, including students and learners of English as a second language. Do check carefully before mailing TWO copies. Copies of the spring issue of The Leaf will be mailed in May, 2025, free to winners and for $5 to other entrants.
By entering your story, you give The Brucedale Press permission to announce your name on paper and on our website should your story win or receive honourable mention. Announcement of the next contest or other opportunity will appear on the website also.
Zoom to your keyboard, and get your entry ready. YOU could be the winner! .
Rules: Only entries which conform to the rules will be judged.
1. Contest is open to any writer. Entrants under the age of 18 must have a parent or responsible adult sign their entry form.
2. Stories entered must be original, unpublished work created by the entrant, not previously entered in this contest.
3. Stories may not be longer than 26 sentences. The first sentence must begin X-rays cannot show… Following sentences must begin with words following IN REVERSE ORDER the sequence of the English alphabet, then ending with a Y sentence. Any subject or theme is acceptable, provided there is no profanity, obscenity, ageism, racism or sexism. or sexism.
4. Entries must be typed or computer-printed on one side only of 8.5 x 11 white paper. Please use a plain font, and do not add any graphics or other embellishments.
5. Send TWO copies of each story, with the entry form attached to one copy. The writer’s name must NOT appear on the pages of the story.
6. Entry fee is $5.00 for each story. Cheques or money orders are the safest way to send fees through the mail. Please make them payable to The Brucedale Press. NOTE – If you are also subscribing to The Leaf, (contestants’ rate = $10 for two issues mailed anywhere in Canada) you may use VISA or MasterCard OR e-transfer to for your payment, with a note “contest fee”.
7. Entries must be received by postal mail only no later than January 31, 2025. The Brucedale Press accepts no responsibility for entries lost or delayed in the mail. No entries will be returned unless a self-addressed envelope with proper Canadian postage is provided by the entrant.
Mail to: The Brucedale Press, P.O. Box 2259, Port Elgin, ON N0H2C0
8. Winners will be announced and published in the spring 2025 issue of The Leaf. Copyright remains with the creators. Prizes will be mailed to the addresses on winners’ entry forms. Prizes may be withheld if, in the opinion of the judge, not enough suitable entries are received. During the judging process, the judge will not know who the writers are. The judge’s decisions are final.
First prize Twenty-five per cent of the entry fees. Second prize Fifteen per cent of the entry fees. Third prize Ten per cent of the entry fees. The judge may award up to three honourable mentions.
Authors of all published stories will receive a one-year subscription [two issues] to The Leaf.
————————————————entry form————————————————-
I have read the rules of The Brucedale Press Acrostic Story Contest and agree to be bound by them.
Name ……………………………………………………………………… phone ………………………………..
Address …………………………………………………………..……………… e-mail ………………………………..
I confirm that I am the creator of the entry/ies, and that no entry is previously published or submitted to this contest.
I wish to subscribe to The Leaf at entrant’s price of $10.00/year [two issues] ………………
Entry/subscription paid by cheque …… money order ……. Payable to The Brucedale Press
For entry plus subscription ONLY send please charge my VISA/MasterCard, expiry date no sooner than 03/25
OR I will send fee + subscription cost by e-transfer.
*For payment by E-transfer Type CONTEST in the ‘note’ section, and send a payment of $6.00 for each entry to help cover the processing cost to – For contest plus Leaf subscription, send $16.00
Card #………………………………………………….. expiry date………………………….
Name on card ………………………………….. 3-digit code from back of card ………………
(Signature of parent/responsible adult if entrant is under 18 years of age)
Note: credit card payments are processed in early February. Statements will show this transaction with Broad Horizons Books.